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League of Legends
Does anybody activily play? I've been playing the game for almost a year now and I love it! If you play add me! I'm XstradivariusX on there.

And if you don't play, I highly recomend it! If you decide to make an account and download the game (should take about 45-60 minutes on a decent computer) at the end of the registration process type my summoner name in (same as above) so they know I refered you to the site!

The game is really fun! Go to leagueoflegends.com to sign up!
12 years later
Btw it is a 5v5 session game. The average game lasts about 30-45 minutes. It is strategy based and has a definite learning curve but it's still fun! There are several different tutorials that help new players a lot.
12 years later
Used to play this alot till my 'O' Level exams in 2014. Recently logged in again and it's so much different than before with all the new maps, champions, even new game modes. My all time fav champion: Twisted Fate! Dont think ill come back to that again though
Re:Sound Collective - 2x D1 Bronze, 1x D2&D3 Champ
Excelsior Winds - 3x D1 Silver, 2x D1 Bronze
Antiphony - 2x D1 Silver, 1x D2 Champ
conNexus - 2x D1 Silver, 1x D1 Bronze
I still play lol. I don't really main any single champion anymore, but my favorites are Zed, Vladimir, Ryze, and Jihn at the moment. I still find time to play a few games here and there. Never gets old to me!
12 years later
Hey, Strad, where are you located? Is it Texas by any chance?
DC: Blue Demons Corps
I live in central new York. So nope definitely not Texas! xD
12 years later
Ah, no problem! The way you write reminded me of a friend who loved LoL I had back in Drum Corps when I was younger, so just curious!
DC: Blue Demons Corps
One of my best friends is from Texas! We play league together all the time!
12 years later