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FMA Unofficial Rankings Season 94
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Drum Corps rankings for Monday, March 15th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 82.075
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 80.355
3rd: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.92
4th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 78.09
5th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 74.62
6th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 73.11
7th: Boston DBC (CLASS): 64.11

General Effect: Atlantic Clarinet Choir
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 65.36
2nd: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 56.495
3rd: Mist DBC (CLASS): 52.855

General Effect: Spirit of Bucktown
Brass: Spirit of Bucktown
Visual Performance: Spirit of Bucktown
Color Guard: Spirit of Bucktown
Percussion: Spirit of Bucktown

Division III:
1st: Jazzmen (iMac): 56.595
2nd: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 56.355
3rd: Eternal Glory (iMac): 51.82
4th: Red Devil Regiment (iMac): 50.04
5th: Round Rock ELITE (DTG): 48.18
6th: Legacydbc2 (iMac): 46.845
7th: Yeet (iMac): 46.33

General Effect: Mount Holly Marauders
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Mount Holly Marauders
Color Guard: Mount Holly Marauders
Percussion: Jazzmen
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
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Drum Corps rankings for Tuesday, March 16th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 82.805
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 80.355
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 79.245
4th: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 79.045
5th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.92
6th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 78.76
7th: Samurai (DTG): 78.44
8th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 75.98
9th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 75.92
10th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 75.525
11th: Red Blazers (DTG): 74.06
12th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 73.815

General Effect: Atlantic Clarinet Choir
Brass: Idaho Regiment
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: SKDC (FAME): 72.37
2nd: Troopers (DTG): 66.61
3rd: Hickory DBC (DTG): 66.37
4th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 65.615
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 64.725
6th: Progress DBC (DTG): 63.42
7th: The Academy (FAME): 62.845
8th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 61.625
9th: The Grove (DTG): 60.7
10th: The Rising Glory Drum Corps (DTG): 59.64
11th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 59.065
12th: Red Bears (DTG): 58.85

General Effect: SKDC
Brass: The Academy
Visual Performance: SKDC
Color Guard: SKDC
Percussion: SKDC

Division III:
1st: Jazzmen (iMac): 57.11
2nd: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 56.355
3rd: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 56.235
4th: The Cardinals (DTG): 54.055
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 53.565
6th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 52.485
7th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 52.02
8th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 51.82
9th: Devils (DTG): 51.8
10th: Red Regiment (DTG): 51.5
11th: Red Devil Regiment (iMac): 50.04
12th: Thunder Blue: 49.755

General Effect: Mount Holly Marauders
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: The Brotherhood DBC
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Jazzmen
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Wednesday, March 17th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 83.445
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 81.94
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 79.245
4th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 79.185
5th: Samurai (DTG): 79.155
6th: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 79.045
7th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.92
8th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 76.925
9th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 76.455
10th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 76.24
11th: Red Blazers (DTG): 74.6
12th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 73.815

General Effect: Atlantic Clarinet Choir
Brass: Idaho Regiment
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: SKDC (FAME): 72.345
2nd: Troopers (DTG): 66.61
3rd: Hickory DBC (DTG): 66.37
4th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 65.885
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 64.725
6th: Progress DBC (DTG): 64
7th: The Academy (FAME): 62.825
8th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 62.64
9th: The Grove (DTG): 60.7
10th: The Rising Glory Drum Corps (DTG): 59.935
11th: Red Bears (DTG): 59.385
12th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 59.065

General Effect: SKDC
Brass: The Academy
Visual Performance: SKDC
Color Guard: SKDC
Percussion: SKDC

Division III:
1st: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 58.285
2nd: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 57.155
3rd: Jazzmen (iMac): 57.11
4th: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 56.97
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 54.47
6th: The Cardinals (DTG): 54.055
7th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 52.85
8th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 52.565
9th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 52.485
10th: Devils (DTG): 51.8
11th: Red Regiment (DTG): 51.5
12th: Red Devil Regiment (iMac): 50.04

General Effect: Austin Batwatchers
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Mount Holly Marauders
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Crimson Bears
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Thursday, March 18th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 83.445
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 81.94
3rd: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 79.905
4th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 79.245
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 79.185
6th: Samurai (DTG): 79.155
7th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.92
8th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 77.805
9th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 76.455
10th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 76.24
11th: Red Blazers (DTG): 74.75
12th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 73.815

General Effect: Atlantic Clarinet Choir
Brass: Idaho Regiment
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Idaho Regiment

Division II:
1st: SKDC (FAME): 72.345
2nd: Hickory DBC (DTG): 68.47
3rd: Troopers (DTG): 66.61
4th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 66.175
5th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 65.885
6th: Progress DBC (DTG): 64
7th: The Academy (FAME): 62.825
8th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 62.64
9th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 61.405
10th: The Grove (DTG): 61.1
11th: The Rising Glory Drum Corps (DTG): 60.58
12th: Red Bears (DTG): 59.85

General Effect: SKDC
Brass: The Academy
Visual Performance: SKDC
Color Guard: SKDC
Percussion: SKDC

Division III:
1st: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 58.285
2nd: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 57.6
3rd: Jazzmen (iMac): 57.11
4th: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 56.97
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 55.685
6th: The Cardinals (DTG): 54.055
7th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 53.99
8th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 53.87
9th: Red Regiment (DTG): 52.885
10th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 52.565
11th: Devils (DTG): 52.47
12th: Red Devil Regiment (iMac): 50.04

General Effect: Austin Batwatchers
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Crimson Bears
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Friday, March 19th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 83.445
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 83.325
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 81.04
4th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 80.655
5th: Samurai (DTG): 80.48
6th: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 79.905
7th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.92
8th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 78.53
9th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 77.625
10th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 77.585
11th: Red Blazers (DTG): 75.39
12th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 73.815

General Effect: Atlantic Clarinet Choir
Brass: Idaho Regiment
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: SKDC (FAME): 72.735
2nd: Hickory DBC (DTG): 69.21
3rd: Troopers (DTG): 66.61
4th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 66.28
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 66.175
6th: Progress DBC (DTG): 65.685
7th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 64.385
8th: The Academy (FAME): 63.54
9th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 62.365
10th: The Grove (DTG): 61.345
11th: The Rising Glory Drum Corps (DTG): 60.855
12th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 60.14

General Effect: SKDC
Brass: The Academy
Visual Performance: SKDC
Color Guard: SKDC
Percussion: SKDC

Division III:
1st: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 60.2
2nd: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 58.525
3rd: Jazzmen (iMac): 57.11
4th: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 56.97
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 56.36
6th: The Cardinals (DTG): 54.065
7th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 53.99
8th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 53.87
9th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 53.445
10th: Red Regiment (DTG): 52.885
11th: Devils (DTG): 52.47
12th: Thunder Blue: 50.28

General Effect: Mount Holly Marauders
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Crimson Bears
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Saturday, March 20th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 83.945
2nd: Nemesis (CLASS): 83.445
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 81.42
4th: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 81.135
5th: Samurai (DTG): 81.065
6th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 80.655
7th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 78.92
8th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 78.53
9th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 77.625
10th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 77.585
11th: Red Blazers (DTG): 75.39
12th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 73.815

General Effect: Atlantic Clarinet Choir
Brass: Idaho Regiment
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: SKDC (FAME): 72.735
2nd: Hickory DBC (DTG): 70.105
3rd: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 67.355
4th: Troopers (DTG): 66.6
5th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 66.28
6th: Progress DBC (DTG): 66.25
7th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 65.12
8th: The Academy (FAME): 63.54
9th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 63.495
10th: The Grove (DTG): 61.345
11th: The Rising Glory Drum Corps (DTG): 61.185
12th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 60.995

General Effect: SKDC
Brass: The Academy
Visual Performance: SKDC
Color Guard: SKDC
Percussion: SKDC

Division III:
1st: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 60.5
2nd: Jazzmen (iMac): 59.715
3rd: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 58.835
4th: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 56.97
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 56.93
6th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 55.33
7th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 54.45
8th: Red Regiment (DTG): 54.235
9th: The Cardinals (DTG): 54.055
10th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 53.845
11th: Devils (DTG): 53.7
12th: Thunder Blue: 50.28

General Effect: Mount Holly Marauders
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Jazzmen
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Sunday, March 21st, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 85.935
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 84.635
3rd: Quiksilver (CLASS): 81.91
4th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 81.865
5th: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 81.82
6th: Samurai (DTG): 81.475
7th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 80.16
8th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 79.245
9th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 79.125
10th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 78.72
11th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 77.325
12th: Red Blazers (DTG): 76.455

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Idaho Regiment
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: SKDC (FAME): 72.735
2nd: Hickory DBC (DTG): 71.06
3rd: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 68.07
4th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 67
5th: Progress DBC (DTG): 66.79
6th: Troopers (DTG): 66.595
7th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 65.765
8th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 64.6
9th: The Academy (FAME): 63.525
10th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 61.85
11th: The Grove (DTG): 61.61
12th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 61.295

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: The Academy
Visual Performance: SKDC
Color Guard: SKDC
Percussion: SKDC

Division III:
1st: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 61.475
2nd: Jazzmen (iMac): 60.825
3rd: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 60.515
4th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 58.835
5th: Star of Northwest Indiana (CLASS): 57.62
6th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 56.93
7th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 55.33
8th: Red Regiment (DTG): 54.935
9th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 54.69
10th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 54.385
11th: The Cardinals (DTG): 54.07
12th: Devils (DTG): 53.7

General Effect: Mount Holly Marauders
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Jazzmen
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Monday, March 22nd, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 85.935
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 84.635
3rd: 10th Regiment (DTG): 82.47
4th: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 82.38
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 81.91
6th: Samurai (DTG): 81.475
7th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 80.16
8th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 79.245
9th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 79.125
10th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 78.72
11th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 77.325
12th: Red Blazers (DTG): 76.455

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Idaho Regiment
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: SKDC (FAME): 72.735
2nd: Hickory DBC (DTG): 71.99
3rd: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 68.805
4th: Progress DBC (DTG): 67.315
5th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 67
6th: Troopers (DTG): 66.61
7th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 65.765
8th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 65.71
9th: The Academy (FAME): 63.525
10th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 62.16
11th: The Rising Glory Drum Corps (DTG): 62.08
12th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 61.85

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: The Academy
Visual Performance: SKDC
Color Guard: SKDC
Percussion: SKDC

Division III:
1st: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 62.28
2nd: Jazzmen (iMac): 61.635
3rd: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 60.515
4th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 60.2
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 58.585
6th: Star of Northwest Indiana (CLASS): 57.62
7th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 56.635
8th: Red Regiment (DTG): 55.54
9th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 54.99
10th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 54.69
11th: The Cardinals (DTG): 54.07
12th: Devils (DTG): 53.7

General Effect: Mount Holly Marauders
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Jazzmen
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 86.02
2nd: Nemesis (CLASS): 85.935
3rd: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 83.215
4th: Samurai (DTG): 82.915
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 82.9
6th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 82.795
7th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 81.83
8th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 80.635
9th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 79.845
10th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 79.125
11th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 78.755
12th: Red Blazers (DTG): 76.885

General Effect: 10th Regiment
Brass: Idaho Regiment
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 72.77
2nd: SKDC (FAME): 72.725
3rd: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 69.84
4th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 67.535
5th: Progress DBC (DTG): 67.315
6th: Hunteronians (MTOA): 67.065
7th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 66.91
8th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 66.805
9th: Troopers (DTG): 66.605
10th: The Academy (FAME): 63.555
11th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 63.51
12th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 62.16

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: The Academy
Visual Performance: SKDC
Color Guard: SKDC
Percussion: SKDC

Division III:
1st: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 62.775
2nd: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 62.24
3rd: Jazzmen (iMac): 61.635
4th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 60.2
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 58.585
6th: Star of Northwest Indiana (CLASS): 57.62
7th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 57.265
8th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 56.15
9th: Red Regiment (DTG): 56.14
10th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 55.45
11th: The Cardinals (DTG): 54.065
12th: Devils (DTG): 53.7

General Effect: Austin Batwatchers
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Jazzmen
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Wednesday, March 24th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 86.55
2nd: Nemesis (CLASS): 85.935
3rd: Quiksilver (CLASS): 83.305
4th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 83.24
5th: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 83.215
6th: Samurai (DTG): 82.905
7th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 81.83
8th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 81.345
9th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 80.4
10th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 79.43
11th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 79.125
12th: Red Blazers (DTG): 77.31

General Effect: 10th Regiment
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 72.77
2nd: SKDC (FAME): 72.725
3rd: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 70.32
4th: Progress DBC (DTG): 68.93
5th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 68.15
6th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 67.825
7th: Hunteronians (MTOA): 67.065
8th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 66.805
9th: Troopers (DTG): 66.605
10th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 64.345
11th: The Academy (FAME): 63.525
12th: Carolina Fire (DCI): 63.215

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: The Academy
Visual Performance: SKDC
Color Guard: SKDC
Percussion: SKDC

Division III:
1st: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 63.095
2nd: Jazzmen (iMac): 62.895
3rd: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 62.775
4th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 61.86
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 60.24
6th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 57.85
7th: Star of Northwest Indiana (CLASS): 57.62
8th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 56.86
9th: Red Regiment (DTG): 56.14
10th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 55.855
11th: Uber Eats: 54.21
12th: The Cardinals (DTG): 54.05

General Effect: Austin Batwatchers
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Jazzmen
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Thursday, March 25th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 87.255
2nd: Nemesis (CLASS): 85.935
3rd: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 84.29
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 83.355
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 83.305
6th: Samurai (DTG): 83.27
7th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 83.24
8th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 82.025
9th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 80.995
10th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 79.985
11th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 79.125
12th: Red Blazers (DTG): 77.31

General Effect: 10th Regiment
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 74.66
2nd: SKDC (FAME): 72.73
3rd: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 70.805
4th: Progress DBC (DTG): 69.725
5th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 68.915
6th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 68.15
7th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 68.09
8th: Hunteronians (MTOA): 67.065
9th: Troopers (DTG): 66.57
10th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 64.995
11th: Carolina Fire (DCI): 64.24
12th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 63.645

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: The Academy
Visual Performance: Hickory DBC
Color Guard: Hickory DBC
Percussion: Hickory DBC

Division III:
1st: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 64.305
2nd: Jazzmen (iMac): 63.37
3rd: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 63.095
4th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 62.59
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 61.335
6th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 58.32
7th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 57.665
8th: Star of Northwest Indiana (CLASS): 57.62
9th: Red Regiment (DTG): 57.23
10th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 55.855
11th: Red Devil Regiment (iMac): 54.495
12th: Uber Eats: 54.21

General Effect: Austin Batwatchers
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Jazzmen
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Friday, March 26th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 87.955
2nd: Nemesis (CLASS): 85.935
3rd: Quiksilver (CLASS): 84.56
4th: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 84.29
5th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 84.07
6th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 84.045
7th: Samurai (DTG): 83.435
8th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 82.69
9th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 81.475
10th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 79.985
11th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 79.125
12th: Red Blazers (DTG): 77.9

General Effect: 10th Regiment
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 75.435
2nd: SKDC (FAME): 72.715
3rd: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 70.805
4th: Progress DBC (DTG): 70.755
5th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 69.945
6th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 69.7
7th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 68.09
8th: Hunteronians (MTOA): 67.065
9th: Troopers (DTG): 66.57
10th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 65.855
11th: Carolina Fire (DCI): 65.16
12th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 64.21

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: The Academy
Visual Performance: Hickory DBC
Color Guard: Hickory DBC
Percussion: Hickory DBC

Division III:
1st: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 65
2nd: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 64.38
3rd: Jazzmen (iMac): 63.87
4th: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 62.59
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 61.335
6th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 58.32
7th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 58.025
8th: Star of Northwest Indiana (CLASS): 57.62
9th: Red Regiment (DTG): 57.23
10th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 56.75
11th: Red Devil Regiment (iMac): 55.03
12th: Uber Eats: 54.21

General Effect: Austin Batwatchers
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Jazzmen
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Saturday, March 27th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 87.955
2nd: Nemesis (CLASS): 85.935
3rd: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 85.495
4th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 85.2
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 84.955
6th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 84.795
7th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 84.07
8th: Samurai (DTG): 83.435
9th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 82.69
10th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 81.475
11th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 81.22
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 79.125

General Effect: Spectrum Force
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Idaho Regiment
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 76.22
2nd: SKDC (FAME): 72.715
3rd: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 71.655
4th: Progress DBC (DTG): 71.63
5th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 70.945
6th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 70.29
7th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 68.69
8th: Hunteronians (MTOA): 67.08
9th: Troopers (DTG): 66.575
10th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 66.55
11th: Carolina Fire (DCI): 65.16
12th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 64.505

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Cotton Crusaders
Visual Performance: Hickory DBC
Color Guard: Hickory DBC
Percussion: Hickory DBC

Division III:
1st: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 65.56
2nd: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 65.28
3rd: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 63.98
4th: Jazzmen (iMac): 63.87
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 62.59
6th: Star of Northwest Indiana (CLASS): 58.535
7th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 58.515
8th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 58.32
9th: Red Regiment (DTG): 58.195
10th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 56.75
11th: Uber Eats: 56.205
12th: Red Devil Regiment (iMac): 55.47

General Effect: Austin Batwatchers
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Crimson Bears
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Sunday, March 28th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 89.555
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 89.02
3rd: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 85.495
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 85.49
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 85.485
6th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 85.2
7th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 84.07
8th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 83.88
9th: Samurai (DTG): 83.63
10th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 82.525
11th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 81.98
12th: Atlantic Clarinet Choir (CLASS): 79.125

General Effect: Spectrum Force
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 76.22
2nd: SKDC (FAME): 72.76
3rd: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 71.655
4th: Progress DBC (DTG): 71.63
5th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 71.09
6th: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 70.945
7th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 68.93
8th: Hunteronians (MTOA): 67.08
9th: Carolina Fire (DCI): 67.055
10th: Troopers (DTG): 66.58
11th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 66.55
12th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 65.08

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Cotton Crusaders
Visual Performance: Hickory DBC
Color Guard: Hickory DBC
Percussion: Hickory DBC

Division III:
1st: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 66.12
2nd: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 65.56
3rd: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 64.82
4th: Jazzmen (iMac): 64.515
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 63.43
6th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 59.415
7th: Star of Northwest Indiana (CLASS): 59.045
8th: Red Regiment (DTG): 58.61
9th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 58.515
10th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 57.745
11th: Uber Eats (): 56.845
12th: Red Devil Regiment (iMac): 55.47

General Effect: Austin Batwatchers
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Crimson Bears
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Monday, March 29th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 89.595
2nd: Nemesis (CLASS): 89.555
3rd: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 86.56
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 86.245
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 86.055
6th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 85.2
7th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 84.555
8th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 84.07
9th: Samurai (DTG): 84.005
10th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 82.685
11th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 82.525
12th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 79.42

General Effect: Spectrum Force
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Idaho Regiment
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 77.79
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 73.05
3rd: SKDC (FAME): 72.76
4th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 72.14
5th: Progress DBC (DTG): 71.63
6th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 71.09
7th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 68.93
8th: Carolina Fire (DCI): 67.8
9th: Hunteronians (MTOA): 67.08
10th: Troopers (DTG): 66.575
11th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 66.55
12th: Red Bears (DTG): 65.39

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Cotton Crusaders
Visual Performance: Hickory DBC
Color Guard: Hickory DBC
Percussion: Hickory DBC

Division III:
1st: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 66.89
2nd: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 66.12
3rd: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 65.51
4th: Jazzmen (iMac): 65.105
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 64.245
6th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 59.9
7th: Red Regiment (DTG): 59.35
8th: Star of Northwest Indiana (CLASS): 59.045
9th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 58.515
10th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 58.425
11th: Uber Eats: 57.605
12th: Devils (DTG): 56.11

General Effect: Austin Batwatchers
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Crimson Bears
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Tuesday, March 30th, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 90.455
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 90.315
3rd: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 86.84
4th: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 86.56
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 86.39
6th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 85.675
7th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 85.465
8th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 85.185
9th: Samurai (DTG): 84.37
10th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 83.53
11th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 83.47
12th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 80.06

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Idaho Regiment
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 77.79
2nd: Progress DBC (DTG): 73.785
3rd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 73.05
4th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 72.775
5th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 72.765
6th: SKDC (FAME): 72.715
7th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 69.42
8th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 69.065
9th: Carolina Fire (DCI): 68.605
10th: Hunteronians (MTOA): 67.075
11th: Troopers (DTG): 66.575
12th: Mist DBC (CLASS): 66.155

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Cotton Crusaders
Visual Performance: Cotton Crusaders
Color Guard: Hickory DBC
Percussion: Hickory DBC

Division III:
1st: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 67.86
2nd: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 67.765
3rd: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 65.51
4th: Jazzmen (iMac): 65.105
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 64.245
6th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 60.125
7th: Star of Northwest Indiana (CLASS): 60.055
8th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 60.045
9th: Red Regiment (DTG): 59.35
10th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 58.96
11th: Uber Eats: 58.58
12th: Red Devil Regiment (iMac): 56.205

General Effect: Austin Batwatchers
Brass: Cupertino Pioneers
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Crimson Bears
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Wednesday, March 31st, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 90.455
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 90.315
3rd: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 87.735
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 86.84
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 86.39
6th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 85.675
7th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 85.465
8th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 85.185
9th: Samurai (DTG): 84.37
10th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 83.53
11th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 83.47
12th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 80.68

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Idaho Regiment
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 79.17
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 74.915
3rd: Progress DBC (DTG): 73.785
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 73.705
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 73.235
6th: SKDC (FAME): 72.715
7th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 69.42
8th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 69.065
9th: Carolina Fire (DCI): 68.605
10th: Hunteronians (MTOA): 67.075
11th: Troopers (DTG): 66.61
12th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 66.475

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Cotton Crusaders
Visual Performance: Cotton Crusaders
Color Guard: Hickory DBC
Percussion: Hickory DBC

Division III:
1st: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 68.69
2nd: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 68.625
3rd: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 66.885
4th: Jazzmen (iMac): 65.905
5th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 65.79
6th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 60.74
7th: Red Regiment (DTG): 60.575
8th: Star of Northwest Indiana (CLASS): 60.55
9th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 60.045
10th: Uber Eats: 59.58
11th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 59.25
12th: Devils (DTG): 57.31

General Effect: Austin Batwatchers
Brass: Jazzmen
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Crimson Bears
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Thursday, April 1st, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Nemesis (CLASS): 90.455
2nd: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 90.315
3rd: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 88.425
4th: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 86.84
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 86.39
6th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 85.675
7th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 85.465
8th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 85.185
9th: Samurai (DTG): 84.37
10th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 83.53
11th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 83.47
12th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 80.68

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Idaho Regiment
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 80.03
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 75.865
3rd: Progress DBC (DTG): 75.58
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 74.23
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 73.75
6th: SKDC (FAME): 72.715
7th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 70.465
8th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 69.42
9th: Carolina Fire (DCI): 68.605
10th: Hunteronians (MTOA): 67.075
11th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 66.775
12th: Troopers (DTG): 66.595

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Cotton Crusaders
Visual Performance: Cotton Crusaders
Color Guard: Hickory DBC
Percussion: Hickory DBC

Division III:
1st: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 68.69
2nd: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 68.625
3rd: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 67.72
4th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 66.5
5th: Jazzmen (iMac): 65.905
6th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 61.335
7th: Star of Northwest Indiana (CLASS): 61.15
8th: Red Regiment (DTG): 61.1
9th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 61.05
10th: Uber Eats: 60.405
11th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 59.25
12th: Devils (DTG): 57.905

General Effect: Austin Batwatchers
Brass: Cupertino Pioneers
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Crimson Bears
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Friday, April 2nd, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 91.945
2nd: Nemesis (CLASS): 91.805
3rd: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 88.87
4th: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 88.425
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 87.84
6th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 87.12
7th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 86.585
8th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 85.675
9th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 85.31
10th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 84.855
11th: Samurai (DTG): 84.555
12th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 81.9

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 80.03
2nd: Progress DBC (DTG): 76.065
3rd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 75.865
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 74.945
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 73.75
6th: SKDC (FAME): 72.735
7th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 71.53
8th: Carolina Fire (DCI): 71.14
9th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 70.335
10th: Mist DBC (CLASS): 68.73
11th: Hunteronians (MTOA): 67.075
12th: Dauntless DBC (AAME): 66.95

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Cotton Crusaders
Visual Performance: Cotton Crusaders
Color Guard: Hickory DBC
Percussion: Hickory DBC

Division III:
1st: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 70.165
2nd: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 68.625
3rd: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 67.72
4th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 66.5
5th: Jazzmen (iMac): 65.905
6th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 61.405
7th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 61.385
8th: Star of Northwest Indiana (CLASS): 61.15
9th: Red Regiment (DTG): 61.1
10th: Uber Eats: 60.405
11th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 60.16
12th: Devils (DTG): 57.905

General Effect: Austin Batwatchers
Brass: Cupertino Pioneers
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Crimson Bears
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)
Link to rankings:


Drum Corps rankings for Saturday, April 3rd, 2021

Current leaders by division:

Division I:
1st: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers (CLASS): 92.4
2nd: Nemesis (CLASS): 92.085
3rd: Kanpeki-sa (DTG): 89.45
4th: Idaho Regiment (DTG): 89.33
5th: Quiksilver (CLASS): 88.165
6th: Star of Indianapolis (CLASS): 87.67
7th: 10th Regiment (DTG): 86.925
8th: Appliance DBC (CLASS): 86.045
9th: Spectrum Force (MAoMA): 85.675
10th: Florida Dragon Regiment (SMACDC): 85.41
11th: Samurai (DTG): 84.71
12th: Legacy DBC (DTG): 82.695

General Effect: Nemesis
Brass: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Visual Performance: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Color Guard: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers
Percussion: Wonderment Rainbow Cavaliers

Division II:
1st: Hickory DBC (DTG): 81.57
2nd: Chula Vista Vanguard (DTG): 77.78
3rd: Progress DBC (DTG): 76.87
4th: Azure Rangers (DTG): 75.77
5th: Cotton Crusaders (DTG): 74.99
6th: SKDC (FAME): 72.74
7th: Appletown Crusaders (SWDCL): 72.205
8th: Carolina Fire (DCI): 72.055
9th: Spirit of Bucktown (CLASS): 70.585
10th: Mist DBC (CLASS): 69.355
11th: Worcester Hills Drum Corps (DTG): 68.14
12th: Red Bears (DTG): 67.365

General Effect: Hickory DBC
Brass: Cotton Crusaders
Visual Performance: Cotton Crusaders
Color Guard: Hickory DBC
Percussion: Hickory DBC

Division III:
1st: Austin Batwatchers (iMac): 70.925
2nd: Mount Holly Marauders (iMac): 69.99
3rd: The Brotherhood DBC (DTG): 69.035
4th: Crimson Bears (DTG): 68
5th: Jazzmen (iMac): 66.57
6th: Cupertino Pioneers (DTG): 62.005
7th: Red Regiment (DTG): 62
8th: Star of Northwest Indiana (CLASS): 61.435
9th: Queen City Cadets (DTG): 61.385
10th: Eternal Glory (iMac): 60.675
11th: Uber Eats: 60.405
12th: Devils (DTG): 59.125

General Effect: Austin Batwatchers
Brass: Cupertino Pioneers
Visual Performance: Crimson Bears
Color Guard: Crimson Bears
Percussion: Crimson Bears
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)