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If you have a bug report, please create a new thread for each report, with the current season in front of the title.

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Bug Description
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Wouldn't the safest way to fix everything going on right now be to just go through all the shows currently scheduled, give a refund for everything, and start over with everything pushed back a week or however long it takes to resolve everything?
I'm guessing he makes backups.. it would probably be safest to just do a backup and revert any changes that happened.. but I have no idea what was being done coding wise. None of the issues happened before the new season. Everything was going good and as I was working on my staff, it all reverted to a new season or whatever happened..
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Same here. I think what it possibly could've been was that the day of the week for the schedule didn't line up as it had in the past, so it was switched, but it came after the fact so a new season was created which kind of messed up everything. At least that's what I see, as the new season is just shifted by one day per usual.