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Stupid question ?
After reading through a number of threads it seems there are two schools of thought on one's early seasons.

1) Go for influence points / money and play

2) Go for points / money and set on " cruise control" and not play

Should you not play as much as you can to earn skill points ?

Is there somthing I'm missing ?

Seems common sense would tell you no matter how you have campaigns set up you would play as much as you can to raise your director level & skill points.

( or am I not understanding what cruise control means ? )
No, you're pretty accurate. Basically, if you want to do well, you need to play. The more often you play, the better you'll do. Honestly, what you have to start can only get you so far. In Division 1, you need to start that high to survive, but in the lower divisions, I don't believe you need them as much.

A good way to keep fundraising or raise influence is just to set it when you can't play. (On vacation, going to bed, etc.)
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles

That's what I do, set the campaigns when I am unable to be on.
12 years later
I've been enjoying success as a new/returning member (as of season 10) by having my campaigns running at 60 all the time, whether it's for money or for influence. I figured its best to work on getting a solid baseline of staff and influence for my more competitive seasons down the line (even though some of my groups are near the top of div 3).