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[unspecified] League Events (7/19/2011)
There were a total of 7 [unspecified] events today. The stats are as follows:
Total performing units: 39
Total audience: 3,787
Highest Scores:
D1 Corps- Corps of Unspecified Identity: 66.74
D2 Corps- Legion: 62.035
D3 Corps- N/A
D1 Band- Band of Unspecified Identity: 66.805
D2 Band- Supercows: 56.405
D3 Band- Momentum Marching Band: 55.18
D1 Guard- Guard of Unspecified Identity: 77.73
D2 Guard- Blue Demons Winterguard: 72.5
D3 Guard- Bohemian Maidens: 52.605
D1 Drumline- Drums of Unspecified Identity: 69.735
D2 Drumline- The Drumline: 55.68
D3 Drumline- Qatar Heroes: 50.22

Today’s shows took place on top of an airplane. The venue was voted on by fans who were getting bored with the traditional gymnasiums and football fields and wanted a more “heightened” experience. Once again, the Unspecified groups dominated Division One in every circuit. Added to this list are a couple Division Three groups not present at the previous Unspecified shows. The directors featured on today’s list are ChrisRohn who has all four of his groups here. Director supercowmon806 has two groups on the list, Hostrauser also has two groups on this list, and Gracenote has one group. Also, there were many more competing groups today than before as well as higher spectator attendance. Hopefully, the remaining {unspecified} events draw in more people and competitors. Surprisingly, the airplane ride was a total bust because people kept sliding off into the oblivion below (fortunately, the ice cream from the eruption two days ago broke their falls). During the award ceremony, a big menacing storm cloud hovered above us and starting flinging lightning bolts at us while emitting evil laughter. Finally, the plane landed, but upside-down because the pilot was inspired by the Cavaliers’ tenor line this year. Sadly, this pulverized us into pancakes. I hope the fans don’t vote for this terrible venue again, the food really wasn’t that good.
Member of :
Lulz. Nice review.
FMA v1: 9 Golds, 12 Silvers, 8 Bronzes
FMA v2: See profile