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[unspecified] League Events (7/21/2011)
There were a total of 7 [unspecified] events today. The stats are as follows:
Total performing units: 55
Total audience: 5,286
Highest Scores
D1 Corps- Corps of Unspecified Identity: 66.9
D2 Corps- Synechdoche: 64.35
D3 Corps- Rebel Regiment: 48.46
D1 Band- Blue Demons B: 70.755
D2 Band- Supercows: 56.565
D3 Band- Momentum Marching Band: 55.725
D1 Guard- Guard of Unspecified Identity: 77.825
D2 Guard- Synechdoche Motif: 73.38
D3 Guard- Bohemian Maidens: 53.68
D1 Drumline- Drums of Unspecified Identity: 69.845
D2 Drumline- Synechdoche Mystique: 65.705
D3 Drumline- Qatar Heroes: 50.91

Today’s shows took place in completely normal venues with absolutely no weirdness to be seen or experienced. The Unspecified shows continue to grow; with today’s events drawing in a total of 55 competing units and over 5,000 spectators! Also, you will notice that ALL twelve slots on the list are now filled. New to this list is director musicloverrmm who directs the Synechdoche groups and has taken three of the four Division Two spaces. Meanwhile, the Band of Unspecified Identity lost their space to the Blue Demons B. After the awards were finished, we stepped outside and saw the continuing avalanche of ice cream from four days ago pushed everyone back in and filled the gymnasium. The ice cream mixed with some nacho cheese someone spilt on the floor and a big demonic ice cream monster was spawned. As we cowered in panic, it bellowed “I challenge you to a drum corps/marching band/indoor guard/indoor percussion challenge! If the average score for the listed units doesn’t top 63.000 for the July 23rd {unspecified} shows, I will do something terrible to you!” “Like what?” “I don’t know, but it will be bad!”

So yeah, nothing weird happened today.
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