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What Happened to D2 this Season????
Does anyone else find it strange that all these D1 groups are back in D2?? I mean there are groups that have gold medals in D1 that have been demoted.

Anyone else have thoughts on this?
It is just part of the game/calculation/etc. Those members that have any medals from D1 got those medals several seasons back, and I believe have not really been active/playing the last few seasons and for one reason or another fell into the D2 bracket this season. If they do well this season in D2, they will most likely be back in D1 next season.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
I wish I could go back to D2. Everytime I get into D1, I don't do so hot or I have to stop playing for some stupid reason. It would be cool if you could like nominate yourself down a division and have to get it approved if you know your groups arn't doing so well trying to keep up with everyone else in the division.
**FMA** Hall of Famer*