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Help us make money! And Competitions with avaliability.
If you are in the following competitions please raise your influence a little everyday to help bring more audience members and get more money from tickets so we will be able to host a competition next season too.

Aquatic Invitational - 28 spots remain (oct 3rd)
Aqua Wave Classic - 3 spots remain (oct 3rd)
Sinclair Wave of the Flags - Full (sept 11th)
Aqua Hawks Open - 9 spots remain (oct 3rd)
Director of Aquatics
Aqua Invintational has only 18 spots left (20 total spots)
Hey guys head on over to the schedule and apply for Aquatic Invitational. Plenty of spots left available. Come on before its too late.
The Stylish Director of:
Muhlenberg Marauders(Drum Corps)
Muhlenberg Brigade(Drum Line)
Muhlenberg Lady Mustangs(Colorguard)
Muhlenberg Mustangs(Marching Band)

Board of Directors: KMEA