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Bluegrass Performing Arts Association going on a limited schedule for S31
After a few seasons where all four BPAA ensembles either made finals or barely missed finals, these ensembles will be going on a limited schedule for season 31 in order to fund raise in order to upgrade staff to get to the next level all four ensembles desire to get to and have been so close to. (plus i have law school finals the next two weeks and wont be able to rehearse as much). We will still have our contests all on Jan. 7 so sign up. The ensembles of the BPAA will be back in full force in season 32.
Director for:
Bluegrass Regiment D&BC- D1 CLASS
Commonwealth Arts Acad. HS Band -D1 ENCORE!
Wildcat Winter Guard-D1 LEGS
Wildcat Indoor Percussion Ensemble -D1