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Ugh I tried to conquer Great Britain with Ireland then I killed King Edward and everyone got peed off and lost the English Civil War booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire

Kiowa's 2nd account.

#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
Lol I keep getting crapped on by the league of legends ranked system. I keep getting terrible teamates. So I'm in the lowest tier. Bronze 5... there is bronze 1-5 (one being the best) and then silver, gold, platinum, diamond, and the top is the challenger tier. That is almost impossible to get to lol. Only like 1000 players in the world have reached it. Btw league of legends has MILLIONS od players world wide
12 years later
so what you are saying is that out of millions of players in the world... you are one of the worst.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Lol no xD but I didmkinda word that wrong x) a lot of people don't even get bronze. Like you actually have to become ranked :P you have to work your way up. Like since I had bad placement matches I am in a low division, so I have gone on a 5 game winning streak because people are ao bad lol
12 years later
You always word things wrong
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Ik lol but I mean that the matchmaking system sucks lol
12 years later
Or maybe ur just interpreting it wrong :P
12 years later
guess i'll try once more, this time going for norway first. then the bloody scotts that killed me
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire

Kiowa's 2nd account.

#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
Kill them. Kill them all.
12 years later
hahaha the Norwegians are done for muahaha except for the new castle territory, there is like 3 full armies on that mf
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire

Kiowa's 2nd account.

#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
HAHAHAAAA I WON MY GAME AS THE IRISH now....onto the crusades as kingdom of jerusalem , them egyptians are a pain at first but they seem to have calmed down after destroying half of each other's armies
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire

Kiowa's 2nd account.

#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
I keep winjing league of legends games as a guy named tryndamere lol. Also akali. Google them xD
12 years later
My friend wants me to play champions online with him...i made me a toon, and i gave up when i started playing because it didn't teach me how to play lol didn't teach me how to stop crawling on the ground or how to turn around so i didn't have to walk backwards so that was short lived lol
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire

Kiowa's 2nd account.

#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
12 years later