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Wayne Moves to New League!
From the Desk of: Russel Durst
Director of Bands: Wayne

Being director here going on my 6th year. I have been blessed with the program and where we have taken it. But after looking closely at the benefits from this decision. Our loyal league, KMEA has been inactive for over 7 seasons. Leaving Wayne apart of no league. After careful consideration and discussion we have declared our absence from KMEA and resigned and are happy to announce we will be joining forces with the MMB League of Champs. This decision was one that was made to help better the program and move it in a positive direction ever since there move to Division 1. We will miss our family at KMEA! We would like to wish all the musicians the best of luck in the upcoming season!! We thank you all for your understanding and cooperation. WE look forward to an eager and exciting season.
Best of Wishes,
---Tradition of Excellence---