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Host multiple events?
Are we able to host multiple competitions, say one a week? Does anyone know if that's possible? The reason I ask is that I have a plan to be able to acquire enough money to host a competition every week this next season if possible.
EDIT: One competition per group, per week is what I would like to do.
Director of the:
Sioux Falls Vanguard - Division 3 Drum Corps
Sioux Falls Patriots - Division 3 Marching Band
Midwestern Guard - Division 3 Color Guard
Patriot Winter Drumline - Division 3 Drumlin
Sorry.. Unfortunately, each of your groups can only host ONE show per season. It would be nice if each group could host a show every week, but that is just not possible.
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......

Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)

Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)

Dark Knights Guard

Well, hosting more than one show would quintuple the number of shows already in existence, and even with this amount of shows it is hard to find participants sometimes. Hosting more than 1 show per group would completely destroy the system if even half the active members hosted 5 events in a season.
12 years later
Ok, that makes sense, thanks you two! I'll just save up for a decent size competition for season 40 then, and host a practice one next season.
Director of the:
Sioux Falls Vanguard - Division 3 Drum Corps
Sioux Falls Patriots - Division 3 Marching Band
Midwestern Guard - Division 3 Color Guard
Patriot Winter Drumline - Division 3 Drumlin