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The Best of the Best
So there are a lot of leagues out there and numbers have been shaken up by recent events. I wanted to start a discussion about what leagues you guys think are best and from which circuits (color guard, drumline, etc.)

A few things to consider while drawing your conclusions:

Members (active)

Wins and member placings

Activity from league members and board

Most welcoming/ accommodating

Most promonat.

Those are just some points to think on. I've seen other threads where people talk about which leagues are best, but I'm not sure everybody takes all of the variables into effect before making their choice. Enjoy the discussions, and try to leave thoughtful responses.
Michael O'Leary
Founder and President, ROYAL
Founder and President, REGAL
Board of Directors, BoA
Board of Directors, MGC LC
Director of Bands, Royal Spades
FMA Commentator
*crickets in the background*
Tornado Regiment
Pride of Harrah Marching Band
Tornado Drumline
Tornado Color Guard