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Winding down this next season, we look and see that this is in the books as one of the best seasons we've had, now we are preparing to go into season Forty-One.

Next Season:
The Atlantic Clarinet Choir is going to present their show entitled "Who?".
There are people in the world trying to find out who they are inside. This quest for true alignment within themselves and the self realization they must achieve begins with this question, Who?

XYZ-IW, is presenting their show, "What"
This show is about those things that we don't necessarliy have an explation for, which prompt's the exclamation, What?

Lunaria is presenting their show "When and Where"
A show about time and space. places we must be and places we must be there by, the most important things we'll ever see and do will happen and we must know, When and Where.

The Living Room Crusaders are presenting their show "Why"
A show about reason and things that happen without reason, events that simply make you ask, Why. Like, why are we here, why do what we do, why (some other third thing).

There is no question that this will be another good season, hopefully.
I'm all for the mutual welfare and brotherhood of Musically appreciative people, and people in general.

The Freakin' FCC: Shoreline Showdown
Living Room Crusade XLI: The Battle of Remote Control
Moon Dance: Dancing with the Moons
Alphabet Soup: Won-Ton Flam Noodles

Tennessee... Where your thermometer and calendar often disagree.
FMA HoF Member