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An Additional Show Announcement
The Mathmatically Marching Masters make more marching music mainly to master marching.

Cube Drillers present a show about 3D animation called "3D pictures"

The field liners present their show "No lines attached" They got no lines to hold them down. Or strings.

The Squared Dancers present their show. "To the second power" going to the #nextlevel

The Drum Circlers present their show "Pi to the face" slamming their 22/7-lets, in 3.14 movements, and Pi related diddle interps.

Look out for the MMMs.
The Maniacal Mathmatical Mayhem.
About 3.14% of people will try to eat this post
The Cube Drillers (FAME)
The Field Liners (BoA)
The Square Dancers (LEGS)
The Drum Circlers (PERC)
(nana nana) x4 MATHMAN! MATHMAN!