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BOA is looking for Bands like you!
Created and founded by The Jamestown High School Marching Band, BOA is in its successfully acclaimed 4th Season. The league has ambitions of offering up a league environment that isn't so competitive it makes one nauseous, but rather as one big group of people just doing what they love doing, and that's band.

We all love, music, no matter where you're from, who you are, or where you're going. BOA wants to open their doors to programs and bands that are always looking for a fostering environment that is positive for their bands. The environment will also allow for smaller program to grow at their own rate and development. Together we will achieve more.

Team work and communication is a great asset that the league offers. With a full team staff of Board of Directors, we can answer any questions you might have or think in the near future. BOA is looking for bands that want to be better, want to become better and help others reach their potential.

Some frequently asked questions:

Do we compete Inter-League?
Yes, we do compete in the league, but only to the extent that benefits the programs for the FMA circuit at the end of each season. We do have BOA Grand Nationals that happen on Week 5. This week then crowns the BOA Grand National Champion, which is essentially the Most Improved Band in the League. The title is held for one season, until the next Grand Champion is crowned.

How do Grand Nationals work?
Grand Nationals come into three levels: Preliminaries, Semi-Finals and then Finals. Each breakdown features their own contest in which anyone can join. Preliminaries will honor top three in each class as well as the Top 15. Semi-Finals will then honor top three in each class, naming the Division Champions as well as the Top 10. Finals then breaks down the Top 5 Bands and then 5 captions for Colorguard, Percussion, Winds, Visual and Music Effect.

What are the jobs on the Board of Directors?
The Board of Directors have many jobs to complete during the season, but if you ever any questions feel free to contact anyone one them for help. The Board of Directors are in charge of Recruiting Bands, Planning the Next Season's Events, Recaping each Contest, Updating the Forum Board for BOA Bands and also Updating the League Site. The Links to both of those can be found here:

http://www.fantasymarchingarts.com/league/117 - League Site

http://www.fantasymarchingarts.com/forums/viewtopic/3186 - Forum Board

Please feel free to visit each of these and give us your feedback.

If you are interested in the league, but feel like your questions haven't quite been answered, let us know and we will give you the best possible answer. Want an invite? Just let us know about that as well, and we can get the ball rolling on that end as well.


Corey Sylvers~
Head Director - Sean Howard
Asst. Director - Devin Reeves
Asst. Director - Johnny Valdez
Lincoln Springs