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Please tell me whats is wrong with this game
Alex bei ng with this game 16 seasons and enjoying it this is gonna be my last. I cannot get into competitions I apply and get declined. I really see a mass exodus from this popularity contest you have created. I play my points and apply and I have only been in 4 comp . None of my apps are excepted or they are declined. I see people have shows to apply to and no one is signed up for them or there is no results. Please have me see this in a different light before I say goodbye to a fun game I enjoyed.

Robert Mevec
Liverpool Warriors Marching Band
Robert mevec DIRECTOR
There is nothing wrong with this game.

It's the first season, things are hectic, people are still trying to get things figured out. As far as getting into more competitions - go to the drum corps circuit part of the forums, check out the unions/combines and sign up for the one that applies to you. These unions are formed to make sure people get into competitions and aren't left hanging until finals.

If you play your points right, theoretically, you should be able to go all season with no competitions and still do decently in finals.

As far as being not accepted or declined from a show - Understand that because it's the first season, there are a LOT of new players. They may start competitions and just completely forget about them, thus, people who apply never get accepted. As far as getting declined, people who decline you have their own reason for doing so. One popular reason is influence - the more influence someone has, the more inclined someone is to accept them into their competition, they get more audience members thus earning more money.

Hope I helped!

edit: If your marching band's location is YOUR real location, this is the thread you should look at for your location's union: http://www.fantasymarchingarts.com/forums/viewtopic/183
Don't just play by the rules that are written, also know whats NOT written in the rules and use to your advantage.