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League Clean-Up
Hey Guys!

I've noticed that there are dozens of defunct/inactive leagues scattered across FMA (many from well before my time here) and out of curiosity, would these old leagues be removed from the directory by Alex after a certain period of dormancy?

Should they be removed, or should they be kept in case their founders return and want to dust off the machines and start rolling out medals again?
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." - Walt Disney
Brooklyn Guard Drum and Bugle Corps - Honor, Homage, Humility
Brooklyn United Marching Band - Character Through Excellence
Well it's not really the case of inactive for a great number of leagues. For instance, my league isn't inactive, but I only have 1 active group which is mine. Most people want to be in the more dominate leagues like Class and BOA. It's a matter if how can you get people to join leagues to make them competitive. It wouldn't make sense for me to make a haul of competitions with 1 competitor. Of course that means 1 place at every competition but that's no fun. It would be nice to do massive cleanup of users though that have not signed on in years, that would clear up 60% Of the inactive leagues. We also need to do an archive of the forum and move topics around to their respective area like all the fantasy games shouldn't be in FMA discussion. FMA needs a clean-up day.
**FMA** Hall of Famer*