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more skills
obviously it's not important now, but will you be adding additional skills sometime in the far future? if you do this, it would probably also be a good idea to add more divisions. since all the season one members are getting all these high skill levels and staff, members that join in season 5 will be way behind even in division three.
Favorite Composer: Richard Saucedo
Favorite Orchestrated piece: Motion (Brian Balmages)
Favorite Mainstream Piece: FireFlies (Owl City)
Not really ashfire. Division 3 will be meant for new people, or people who hardly play. Those that did well in the previous season, will move up. Seeing as they had proven they can compete with higher ups. In return those that didn't do so well, will be pushed down a division, perhaps. which is what I'm hoping will happen with my Drum Corps and Marching Band. And my guard moved up to DII

the only reason we'd need more division is if we get A TON of members suddenly. Then we'd might have to make an extra two divisions. But that's the only scenario I see that happening with.
Ryan T. Loveless
Its always going to be this way. New players are supposed to start out in Division III and work their way up.
what about skills?
Favorite Composer: Richard Saucedo
Favorite Orchestrated piece: Motion (Brian Balmages)
Favorite Mainstream Piece: FireFlies (Owl City)
Eventually there might be a need to add on to more skills or add more, but I don't see that happening for a while. How many people honestly have all their skills all the way up?
Ryan T. Loveless
What do you want to know about skills? The level cap is 100, and that will take a long time to get. Even with a level 100 group, you still can't max out the current skills.
well i have the influence and music ones all the way up :D
Resilience (Drum and Bugle Corps)- D1
Shadows (Marching Band) - D1
Skyline (Winter-guard) - D1
The Thunder (Drum-line) - D1
I'm saving my skills. I think I have like 5 skill points saved up. I have yet to spend them, and the $12k + I've saved.
Ryan T. Loveless