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FMA circuit Events
Hey guys! So I was looking at some early seasons, trying to get myself familiar with what it was like back when it started, and I noticed some of those FMA circuit events... For those who don't know, those were events that anybody could join automatically and I'm pretty sure there wasn't a limit to how many groups could join. (go back to season 2 for an example... There was FMA East, southeast, ect)
So I was just wondering, is there any possible way to bring that back? Would we need Alex? A moderator? I just think it'd cool thing to have
Tyler Brown
Red Kingsmen FAME BoD
The Duts
Golden Goats Marching Band ENCORE BoD
Scorch Color guard
Alex has control over those. We actually have one this season
**FMA** Hall of Famer*
We do? I haven't seen it
Tyler Brown
Red Kingsmen FAME BoD
The Duts
Golden Goats Marching Band ENCORE BoD
Scorch Color guard
4th week, July 18th.
Jim Helsel
Aftershock NZ Productions
Aftershock NZ: CLASS
Aftershock NZ Indoor Percussion: PERC (Founder)
Aftershock NZ PAS: ENCORE
Pandemonium NZ: LEGS