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How do I know when I'm ready to compete?
I want to compete in events. But I'm still too new to the game to be better than anybody else. You know when you are rehearsing your band, and that number that goes up by about 40 every time you press the "rehearse" button? (I'm talking about that number that is supposed to tell you how good each section of your band is) How high do you think that number should be for each section (Winds, Precussion, Guard, General Effect, etc.) before I start to compete? Hope you understand what I'm trying to say here lol.
There's really no reason not to compete. It doesn't cost anything, and you gain influence (I believe) for competing. It's a lot harder to be accepted if you're new because hosts are looking for players with high influence, but I would personally apply to every competition you can. You don't need to have your group be a certain level or anything to start competing. If you're new, you won't score very high, but getting a low score doesn't affect your group at all, so you really should try to compete as much as possible to boost your influence.
Your scores are gonna be crap coming out of the gate, but that's how we all started. I think my first scores were about 49 or so, but after a while of upgrading and such I usually start at around 70 now. There's nothing that hurts you to compete, and plus, you DO get influence, which helps down the road with your starting scores.
Connor Buckley - Executive Director - White Star Org.

White Star - CLASS
White Star Cadets - ENCORE
Illumination - FLAG
Lithium Indoor - DRUMS founder