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Racism in FMA
Hey guys, i recently noticed a user by the name of 'notoriouskkk' seems to have some racist group titles.. such as Slappy Niggers, Spinning Jigaboos, & 14th Panzer Division..

I declined his applications to my events, and in doing so he sent me 7 messages that all read,

"Uh, fuck you buddy I'm 8 years old, love the show and the memes, and I've already ran thru more pussy than you could even dream about. Arthur is the shit and so is getting mad 3 ways almost every day.
Step up, bitch."

I know I'm not a big name in the community, but I would encourage all of you to do the same.

Cadets 12, 14
Eastside Fury 11-14
Tyler Brown
Red Kingsmen FAME BoD
The Duts
Golden Goats Marching Band ENCORE BoD
Scorch Color guard
Well this site got a little more interesting lol
Tyler Brown
Red Kingsmen FAME BoD
The Duts
Golden Goats Marching Band ENCORE BoD
Scorch Color guard
I would say so huh? Sounds like somebody has some issues.
Cadets 12, 14
Eastside Fury 11-14
You guys realize he's a troll right.
12 years later
Who's that?
Tyler Brown
Red Kingsmen FAME BoD
The Duts
Golden Goats Marching Band ENCORE BoD
Scorch Color guard
Gary....i would hope you'd remove this misguided individual from CLASS.....he seems a bit over qualified....lol. hmmm....i do have a few friends who are truly in the US Marines. ...but i thought think they'd waste there time.
Jim Helsel
Aftershock NZ Productions
Aftershock NZ: CLASS
Aftershock NZ Indoor Percussion: PERC (Founder)
Aftershock NZ PAS: ENCORE
Pandemonium NZ: LEGS
This "notoriouskkk" has come back again. It seems that he created an account again, because it says he has joined after the last post on this thread. I declined his application, and I haven't received any messages from him.
Director of:
Mirage Regiment (D3 DC)
Desert Vanguard (D3 MB)
Painted Desert Guard (D3 CG)
Advanced Mechanics (D3 DL)
Guys, don't engage with this person, because the issue isn't going to be handled until Eric or Alex logs in and sees it. You don't want to say something stupid and find yourself getting tossed from FMA as well. Please watch your profanity. We all know there is not an 8 year old on this planet with a sense of grammar and vocabulary like that unless they're a child genius and "nortoriouskkk" definitely does not fit criteria. Please do not reply to this person anymore. Thanks.
**FMA** Hall of Famer*
The internet is a very strange place xD