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What is the most profitable ticket price?
I'm saving up for Tier 6 Competitions next season. I've been wondering what people find to be the most profitable ticket price, as in, which price will earn me the most money. Any insight would be great!
Director of Stetson Marching Arts, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Calgary Stetson Showband (ENCORE BoD)
Canada Corps (CLASS BoD)
Alberta X Winterguard (LEGS BoD)
Maple Leaf Percussion (DLTG BoD)
It probably depends on the type of competition and the groups that you're expecting to have in your competition. For smaller comps, ones with groups that have lower influence, or ones at the start of the season, I'd imagine having a lower ticket price would be more profitable because (I think?) tickets seem to sell more quickly with lower prices, whereas if you had a larger competition, one that has a few higher-influence groups, and/or one near the end of the season, the higher ticket prices would seem to be more profitable because you wouldn't max out your attendance capacity early with low-priced tickets, instead filling up the seats with higher-paying spectators.

I don't know if that made sense, or if it's even entirely accurate, but from my experience that seems to be what has happened based on when I scheduled my comp and what groups I've had attending
Father Ryan Color Guard - 6x DI gold; 18x DI finalist
Father Ryan Drumline - 5x DI gold; 17x DI finalist
Father Ryan Band - 5x DI gold; 14x DI finalist
Nashville Sound - 5x DI gold; 13x DI finalist
The date of the show doesn't matter. No matter whether you host your show the first day or the last day of any given season you will sell the same number of tickets. They will sell quicker if you host sooner and slower if you host later. The ONLY factor that would change that would be if you're adding/accepting groups into the show during and into the season. For example:

If you host a show on day 1 with 25 of 25 spots filled on the first day of registration and their combined influence is "X" you will sell "Y" amount of tickets. If you host a show on the LAST day with 25 of 25 spots filled at the first day of registration and their combined influence is still "X" you will still sell exactly "Y" amount of tickets.

If you host a show on the LAST day with 10 of 25 spots filled in the first day of registration and you continually add groups throughout the season until you reach 25/25 your combined influence will be less than "X" to start even though at the point you reach 25/25 your combined influence is "X". This means that you will sell Less than "Y" amount of tickets per day during the time you have less groups registered and you will never make up the lost tickets you would have had had you been 25/25 groups on registration day.

Long story short; the only benefit to hosting late in the season is that you may fill up your competition with groups, whereas had you hosted early, you might not have.

FMA *Hall of Fame*

CLASS Board of Directors

Carolina Royals - 16X Division 1 World Champions (DC)