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New FMA Related Project: FantaScorps!
Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well

I've started putting together a Google Site to accompany FMA:
FantaScorps (pronounced fanta-scores) is the working title.

The goal I have for it so far is for hosting things like event calendars, score/ranking charts, and possibly even write-ups, reviews, other FMA media, etc. I just started putting everything together yesterday, so it's not quite to a point where it's very useful to anyone yet, but I think I'm liking where it's headed and I see a lot of potential in a tool like this. Let me know what you think and if you have any feedback about it, things you like so far, things you don't like, things you'd like to see, etc.

Here is the link to the site: https://sites.google.com/view/fantascorps/home

I'll be updating it very regularly as it develops, but the link will remain the same.

I'm very excited for Season 86 in both competition and as an opportunity to make more and better content about FMA and all these bands and ensembles. Have a great day!
ECAA Director of Bands
Looks great, it's a good way to keep all of the rankings and other stuff all in one place instead of getting buried in the forums/subreddit
Jimmy John
FMA Hall of Fame Member
Director of Osaka Bay Performing Arts
Kanpeki-sa (DCL)
Osaka Bay Outdoor Performance Ensemble (WCPA)
Hamachi (LGCG)
Wagyu Beats (GDF)