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Tell me what you guys think
Only to the first impact point right now
If you are Scottish Law, then I am Mickey Mouse!
Pretty nice. Looks very clean and you have good moves in there. :)
I would just make sure that the part where the two blocks intersect is clean because that looks a little iffy to me.
Other than that it looks great. :D
Yeah, I'm cleaning it after its finis....And I switch uniforms every day,
If you are Scottish Law, then I am Mickey Mouse!
That block transition blew my mind. Haha. The backfield makes me want those premium features. =/
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I have them for another month...luckily I made 16 WIP's.
If you are Scottish Law, then I am Mickey Mouse!
I think you can only work on the WIP you were working on when your subscription runs out. I'm pretty sure you can't open frozen shows.

I just got mine back for a few days. At least I'll still have that wip to work on.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles