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Season 102: Discussion, Rankings, Competitions, Etc.
It's good to be back! Seems like it was pretty competitive last season so I'm pretty excited to see how this season plays out. Also I've decided not to do rebranding of my groups because it turns out that I'm just too attached at this point. Lol
Lemony fresh!
Taking a break this season, will hopefully come back better and stronger next, good luck to all!
Legacy DBC
Have a good break!
Dreems- Director of:
-(HOPE) Lake Orion High School Marching Band
-(ROYAL) LOHS Winter Percussion
-(INS) Metamorphosis Color Guard
-(DCL) Si Feng Drum & Bugle Corps
Ooooof. Everything but my marching band has been shunted down to div 2
Lemony fresh!
Huh, I would have thought with the results and previous attendance in D1 that my groups woulda been bumped up to D1, ah well, it is what it is! ^^
Dreems- Director of:
-(HOPE) Lake Orion High School Marching Band
-(ROYAL) LOHS Winter Percussion
-(INS) Metamorphosis Color Guard
-(DCL) Si Feng Drum & Bugle Corps
Same here, but with bring bumped up to D2. Only my marching band has been moved up so I'm wondering if influence has anything to do with it?
Apogee Marching Groups - Founded S100 - Columbia, MO

Featuring the groups of:
Apogee Drum Corps, Apogee Cadets, Apogee Independent, Apogee Percussion
Whatever the issue is, I'm sure FastForward has something to do with it
Lemony fresh!
FastForward has gotten more and more active recently so I don't doubt it, unfortunately
Dreems- Director of:
-(HOPE) Lake Orion High School Marching Band
-(ROYAL) LOHS Winter Percussion
-(INS) Metamorphosis Color Guard
-(DCL) Si Feng Drum & Bugle Corps
So the way the algorithm picks divisions is really complicated, but iirc its related to influence, past performance, and how your stats are at the moment and I assume it compares that to other groups as well. Considering all these factors, it is posisble for FF to be causing this but usually the algorithm seems to do stuff like this on its own, with or without FF, I wish I knew how it worked. For example, on seasons division 3 gets overloaded with new groups the top D3 will get pushed to D2, and so on. This has happened a variety of times, and usually the season after when the influx is gone the algorithm seems to struggle to figure out how to set up the divisions.
Legacy DBC
Good luck at the first competitions everybody!
Lemony fresh!
Yes! Best of luck to you all! But don't think Si Feng and Lake Orion won't be pushing for another D2 medal!

Have a great first show everyone!
Dreems- Director of:
-(HOPE) Lake Orion High School Marching Band
-(ROYAL) LOHS Winter Percussion
-(INS) Metamorphosis Color Guard
-(DCL) Si Feng Drum & Bugle Corps
Might take a break to focus a bit more on real life, last season was a bit tiring but I'm hoping everyone enjoys what this upcoming season has to offer.
Apogee Marching Groups - Founded S100 - Columbia, MO

Featuring the groups of:
Apogee Drum Corps, Apogee Cadets, Apogee Independent, Apogee Percussion
Take it easy man and have a nice break
Lemony fresh!
Quick heads-up everyone - I've got a drum corps camp this weekend so I won't be able to update the score rankings until Monday
Lemony fresh!
Was thinking about FMA recently and checked the website to see the season is about to be over so I figured what a perfect time to come back. Created a show just for fun to do basically just finals and I got placed in D2 which I certainly did not expect lol.

I know I'm about a month late, but I have always thought divisions are just based on how many groups are signed up and the total point values at the time of division placements. That's why influence so heavily affects what division you're in, it plays a large role in your point values at the beginning of the season.

Anyway, it's nice to be back. Really hoping I can bring myself to rehearse consistently during this upcoming season.
10th Regiment
Hey welcome back man. Divisions seem kinda scuffed in general this season cause all of my groups got put in div 2 instead of div 1
Lemony fresh!
Good luck in the last shows of the season everyone! And Jordan nice job making top 12 at your very first show lol
Lemony fresh!
Thanks lol I guess that's what 100k influence and a max level staff does
10th Regiment
Good luck at finals everybody
Lemony fresh!
I'm getting flashbacks to season 95... it still hasn't ticked over to 103 yet
Lemony fresh!