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HOPE Recruitment
Hello everyone! I am Dreems, the founder of the Marching Band league: HOPE! We are still actively looking for new members across all divisions, so if you're in need of a league to join, HOPE might just be the place for you! Please comment here or shoot me a DM if you'd like to join!
Dreems- Director of:
-(HOPE) Lake Orion High School Marching Band
-(ROYAL) LOHS Winter Percussion
-(INS) Metamorphosis Color Guard
-(DCL) Si Feng Drum & Bugle Corps
Change your signature Dreems 💀💀
Director - Petaling Jaya Sound (DCL)
Director - Petaling Jaya Irama (LGDL)
- All-time Drumline Div. 3 RANK #7
Occasional Volunteer - Couchmen
I’ll get there eventually
Dreems- Director of:
-(HOPE) Lake Orion High School Marching Band
-(ROYAL) LOHS Winter Percussion
-(INS) Metamorphosis Color Guard
-(DCL) Si Feng Drum & Bugle Corps
Just the now seasonal bump for the HOPE Marching Band League! Please consider joining! We have weekly events, members in every division and strong competition in each! If you're interested please shoot me a DM! We do not have any prerequisite requirements in order to join!
Dreems- Director of:
-(HOPE) Lake Orion High School Marching Band
-(ROYAL) LOHS Winter Percussion
-(INS) Metamorphosis Color Guard
-(DCL) Si Feng Drum & Bugle Corps
Another seasonal bump! We've just had a new champion of HOPE crowned! We'd love to see you join! New changes are on the way and we're looking into some cool stuff, stay tuned and respond here or message me if you'd like to join!
Dreems- Director of:
-(HOPE) Lake Orion High School Marching Band
-(ROYAL) LOHS Winter Percussion
-(INS) Metamorphosis Color Guard
-(DCL) Si Feng Drum & Bugle Corps
would it be possible for me to get an invitation? just starting out lol
Hey Dreems, could you send me an invite to HOPE
Eyes with Pride,

Director of:
Pride of Godley-S102 D3 Silver
Wildcat Pride Drum Corps-S109 D2 Silver
Pride of Godley Drumline-S106 D2 Champion
Godley Pride Guard-2x D2 Silver