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WCPA is an active and growing community of marching band ensembles within FMA. Please consider contacting myself or a league board member regarding an invitation. We would love to have you join us!
blackspid3r - Director of:
-Rochester Royals DBC - DCL
-Wexler High School Warbirds - WCPA
-Nexus - ICCG
-Pulse - MPC
Hey everyone! I just updated the League fandom to be more up to date! If you want to check it out, the link to the fandom is on the league page, but here it is for convenience:

Hey all. WCPA is always looking for new members. We have a full schedule of events for season 116. Send me a message or check out our league page to message a board member. Come join a great league and have fun this season!
blackspid3r - Director of:
-Rochester Royals DBC - DCL
-Wexler High School Warbirds - WCPA
-Nexus - ICCG
-Pulse - MPC
Season 117 is full of league events and we are continuing to grow and add some of the strongest members in the FMA marching band circuit to our ranks. Don't hesitate to send me a message and join WCPA!
blackspid3r - Director of:
-Rochester Royals DBC - DCL
-Wexler High School Warbirds - WCPA
-Nexus - ICCG
-Pulse - MPC