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Lonestar Regiment Alumni Corps!
Kate and I are proud to announce the establishment of the Lonestar Regiment Alumni Corps! This corps will perform historic shows from the Lonestar Regiment in the all age class. (Meaning primarily they’ll be competing in division 3 and division 2) If the corps manages to meet the level of the main corps, it’ll go inactive besides performing exhibition shows. The establishment of this group primarily serves as a place for former members of the Lonestar Regiment to relive their historic shows, however this group also will serve as a lead in group to the Lonestar Regiment itself, providing a stepping stone into the more competitive corps itself. We look forward to a bright future with our Alumni corps!

The corps may go inactive certain seasons if the Lonestar Regiment organization feels that the organization is under to much financial stress and cannot run both groups. However as we are not expecting this to happen the corps should remain open for all future competitive seasons.
The Lonestar Performing Arts Organization
D2 S110 DL and DC champions
D2 S111 DL and CG champions
D2 S113 MB Champions
D1 S117 CG Champions
D1 S118 CG Champions
D1 S119 CG Champions