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Lonestar Regiments staff to be largely relocated following S119
As Lonestars final season comes to a close, we are sad to say goodbye to some of our retiring staff members, but we are also proud to announce the new homes of many of them .We had many corps jumping at the chance to recruit from our legendary team, among them were groups like the Star Of Texas Regiment, The Pride Of Texas MB, The Eclipse Shadow Guard, The Pride Of Texas DL, The Syndicate, Petaling Jaya Sound, The Seawolves, Sound Of Superior, and the Gulf Knights.

Before we get into those that found new homes, join us in saying goodbye to those who’ve decided not to return the marching arts for the time being.

Brass Tech-Bob Preist
Percussion Tech-River Jacob’s

Moving on to those who’ve found new homes, We’ll start with the Gulf Knights and All staff members who will be moving to their up and coming division two drum corps!

1st assistant director-Mel Williams
Brass Tech-Teagnn Bass
Visual Tech-Miranda Senney.

We wish the best to these staff members as they leave for their new organization!

As our percussion tech continues her career, we’d like to wish her the best of success at her new position within the Sound Of Superior.

Percussion Tech-Tessa Symbols

Continuing onto the Seawolves DBC, we are proud to wave off Lonestar Legend Bob Spook to our old (friendly) rivals. Our brass tech Connor Westeros will be joining Spook at their new home.

Percussion arranger-Bob Spook
Brass Tech-Connor Westeros

As our staff chose their new positions, we were excited to wave off two of our veteran members to the Petaling Jaya Sound DBC!

Former Arranger (still brass caption head for pjs) -Eric Yee

Drill Designer-Aspen Montgomery

We are more than happy to announce the transfer of many of our staff members to the up and coming Syndicate DBC!

2nd Assistant Director-Iris Adler
Visual Caption Head-George Haunt
Percussion Tech-Drew Datler
Visual Tech-Melanie Sharps

And finally, we’d like to announce the transfer of the large majority of our staff to the Star Of Texas Regiment organization, who reached out to our organization a while back, asking our staff members if they’d be interested in leaving for another organization of similar values.

Brass Caption Head-Elizabeth Machete

Head Director of the Eclipse Shadow Guard within the Star Of Texas Regiment Organization-Ava

Eclipse shadow Color guard techs- Sierra Jones,Hannah Autumns, and Alex Holmes

Star Of Texas Regiment Brass Tech-Samuel Taylor
Pride Of Texas DL percussion Tech-Ashela Breeze
Pride Of Texas MB Visual Tech-Wyatt Rough

The Lonestar Performing Arts Organization
D2 S110 DL and DC champions
D2 S111 DL and CG champions
D2 S113 MB Champions
D1 S117 CG Champions
D1 S118 CG Champions
D1 S119 CG Champions