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Stats or Placement?
I've seen people on here talking about dominating or wanting to win a caption, say best drumline, or best hornline, etc.. and that's all they worry about..

I was just wondering, why concentrate on only one caption? Is that the only caption you personally participate in? Or is it time? Or something else?

I don't see how it can be a time issue since you would spend the same amount of time either way..

Anyways.. what are your thoughts/reasoning behind it?
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
I think people enjoy specializing. For example, some people might want to be known for their awesome percussion section, and so they want to win that caption and hire the best staff, etc.
i know for me its that i like winning in or being in the top three of each caption because then you have a better chance of winning.
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