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Missing Semis and Finals
If you miss semis / finals you should be able to put your energy towards the next season by using all of it for promoting or fund raising or have it done automatically so they can have a head start so they can catch up to the groups ahead of them. You would just be able to start fund raising for two days (even though it's at 400 energy).
Executive Director of the CAI Performing Ensembles:
Northgate Marching Band
The Generals Drum and Bugle Corps
Generals Guard
Generals Drums
The problem with that is the entire thing resets again for the new season.
Director to:

Modern Antic
Odoriboro Blaze
Jester Fester

Member of the CLASS
Money doesn't.
Executive Director of the CAI Performing Ensembles:
Northgate Marching Band
The Generals Drum and Bugle Corps
Generals Guard
Generals Drums
Your staff and money carries over to the next season. So what Cinman2 said is probably the best strategy for those who are not going to be in Finals
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Money technically does, if you want to go there. You get the money you earned.
Director to:

Modern Antic
Odoriboro Blaze
Jester Fester

Member of the CLASS
i really agree with this because the groups w/less money and etc. tend to do not as good as the groups that do.... so why not let the people who didnt make it use their energy for other things?
The reason groups with less money tend not to do as well is because the director didn't make the right choices while playing the game. It all comes down to skill, why would you reward the players with the least skill?
My real name is Sam...
Well this already happens to an extend, you just can't use all 400 energy. The groups that are in finals are using most of their energy to improve their scores, while everyone else allows their campaigns to run at maximum.