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Season 1 Divisions
Division assignments will be formulated tonight, most likely after midnight (so technically, tomorrow). I will be doing a test run on my home machine to make sure everything goes smoothly.

Good luck to everyone tomorrow!
Where do we see the final scores for each show?
Aaron Tibbs Vallero
From what I've heard, I believe it is 8:00 PM Eastern time.
That's what I have heard also.
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
Thanks :)
Aaron Tibbs Vallero
So, how are divisions determined? What is the cut-off for each division?
Division II - The Knights and Marching Knights
"First, divisions are influenced by the following:
- Influence
- Director Level
- Stat points
- Money

Right now there is nothing that will change your division during the season. It will remain the same. For the first season, this might cause a little bit of chaos because everyone is new. But in the future it will make sense because you'll have people that have been playing for 6 seasons in one division, and new players starting out in Division III."

-Alex on how divisions are determined

will more divisions be added after a while? like if we get to twenty seasons before FMA 3.0 then there shoud be at least four divisions.
Favorite Composer: Richard Saucedo
Favorite Orchestrated piece: Motion (Brian Balmages)
Favorite Mainstream Piece: FireFlies (Owl City)
Nah, 3 is enough. Vets will be in Division 1, Vets/average players Division 2, People who rarely play, new comers Division 3 :D
Ryan T. Loveless
We'll just have to see how things go.
I dunno, if it grows like FMA 1 did, then I think we might get into 4. I doubt we'll need more than that though.

Maybe not all the groups will, but more than likely Drum Corps and Marching Band will.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I posted this in the marching band thread, but if the date of the competition approaches and the host has not excepted anyone into the contest, will the moderators do it or does the show just get canceled? I am hoping it doesn't get canceled because that will reduce my amount of shows to around 6 or 7 for the season!
Division II - The Knights and Marching Knights
Actually Howl, in all honesty, Marching Band participate in about that many every year. For me, I think I have a total of 5 for my marching band. And Alex could be implementing FMA sponsored events to cover that. Other than that everyone is going to have to bear with it at the moment.
Ryan T. Loveless
If you haven't seen it, we have been suggesting stuff about that in here
You might think of something else.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles