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WCPA Announces Season 4 Programs
White Cross Regiment

Paintings of a Sky

1. "Awake and Rejoice" - Corps members begin the show "sleeping" on the field, and slowly begin to wake up as sounds of birds chirping and a gentle breeze fill audience's ears. As they awake, they sing a beautiful melody, and later begin to play this melody on their instruments. A sun prop, which begins in the bottom right corner of the field, slowly works its way to the top of the 50 yard line by the end of the movement. At the final big hit, the guard brings out huge, golden yellow tarps and lays them across the field like sun beams.

2. "The Gentle Rain" - The sun prop at the top of the field is covered with a white sheet to look like a cloud. From behind the prop come guard members carrying blue flags, symbolizing rain drops falling from the sky. This movement includes a short mellophone solo. Corps members dance and play in the rain, and guard members eventually do some work with umbrellas!

3. "The Storm" - The music goes from light and playful to dark and menacing. Through creative use of reflective lighting, lightning is recreated to really impress the audience. Thunder roars as the corps cowers in fear. This is the most intense movement of the show.

4. "Nighttime and going to sleep" - At last, the storm begins to die down. The music gets lethargic and sleepy. The sun prop moves from the top of the fifty yard line into the tunnel at the bottom left hand side of the field. As the prop disappears, the corps lays down in the middle of the field to go to sleep. When the entire corps is laying down, a fly-over tarp with a moon on it flies gently from the pit until it covers the entire corps. The music ends in a whisper.

White Cross B Marching Band


1. "Lost" - Our main character, "Melanie," is lonely, confused, and adrift with nothing but her thoughts. She stumbles about the field in a dazed confusion. The guard carries black flags and sabers, and the band plays music that is severely melancholy and features wandering melodies and a "silent solo" (The soloist stands in the front as if playing, but utter silence is all that there is).

2. "The Finding of a Friend" - Melanie finds herself a friend. She names him Tim. Melanie and Tim play together and have a joyful time. The music is fun and whimsical, but with an eerie feeling that something dark awaits. The guard plays with everything from toy balls to kites to bicycles.

3. "Voices" - Tim begins to send Melanie dark messages. He is telling her to do bad things. A hushed soprano soloist plays backfield as Tim whispers these words to Melanie. Soon, the voices build, more and more instruments coming in, and it is no longer just Tim who is Melanie's supposed friend. The entire guard begins to attack her, attempting to persuade Melanie. By the end of the movement the entire band has Melanie in their clutches, and she has no choice to do their bidding.

4. "Murder" - Melanie can do nothing but follow the voices' orders. She becomes a murder. In a violent combination of intense music, terrifying guard work, and wild visuals, the show rushes to the end, leaving the audiences' hearts beating and minds racing

White Cross Magic

Opposites Attract

1. "Opposites" - Half the guard is dressed in white, and the other in black. The floor is separated by props running down the center. Each section of the guard performs very contrasting movements, one side fluid and smooth, the other side quick and intense.

2. "Attraction" - Black and white meet in an odd sort of love affair. Neither side approves of the Attraction, and try to lure their member back through use of creative trickery.

3. "The Switch" - At last, the attraction highlighted in movement two extends to the whole group! A sudden fascination with "the other side" encompasses the guard. The two sides run through the prop, and as they do so, switch their uniform color and become one with their new side and color!

4. "Perfect Harmony" - The two sides, once opposing, now embrace each other's differences. Black and white combine to create Perfect Harmony!


Dollars: The Falsity of Happiness

1. "Greed" - Features the music "Gimme More" by Britney Spears. Highlights the greed that seems to be a prominent characteristic of human nature. Every member wants their time in the spotlight, literally, and their chance at cold, hard cash and a wonderful life.

2. "Happiness" - Features music from the theme to "Happy Days." The drumline has earned their money, and they feel great! They dance around, throw their cash into the air, and proclaim their ultimate triumph over the poor. They are the best, they are free, they are happy!

3. "Dirt Poor" - The money comes as quickly as it goes. The drumline is now dirt poor, forcing them to beg on street corners for money. They wear rags for clothing and are covered in grime and muck. Life is terrible.

4. "New Beginnings" - Features the music "Tomorrow" from the Broadway musical, "Annie." The drumline realizes that money doesn't buy happiness. They join together and look into the bright, sunshiny tomorrow, filled with hope, determination, and most importantly, happiness!
I like the opposites attract one A LOT. Great thinking : )
Douglas Olmstead, Druids Drum & Bugle Corps Executive Director