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EMA (Elite Marchers Association)
I would like to invite you to join the Elite Marchers Association. I am pleased to announce that it will be up and running for the opening of season 7! EMA is generally associated with Marching Band and Drum Corps Divisions 1 & 2. I have noticed several mergers of other combines, but who wouldn't want a nice friendly combine v.s. combine challenge! Smaller combines = more opprotunites for your group to shine. EMA has 2 circuits of competition, EMA Gold, which is for the big dogs of the competition. Generally a group that has been around for 3+ seasons and EMA Gray, which is for the new comers and second seasons of FMA. There will be attempts for competitions with other combines. Of course it's going to take more than at least two seasons to build up a strong combine, but who says you can't sign up today.

The EMA will include:

~ Different Scoring System
~ 4 Classes (Contributes Influence and Director Level)
~ Regional, Semi Final, and Finals Competition (To prepare for FMA Finals)
~ History Stats and ect.

If you are interested in signing up for the EMA please visit the website below and fill out the appropriate website.

**FMA** Hall of Famer*

Please go to the EMA website (http://elitemarchers.webs.com">http://elitemarchers.webs.com), which contains some important information about the next season that starts next Sunday, April 24th.

We need someone to host EMA Regionals and a early season showcase for the first competition of season 8 in both drum corps and marching band.

The scoring system has been created and will be used for each competition except finals. Finals will contain all groups in every season who has at least a score over 75.5 and during finals you will not be in a class. There will be 10 groups in finals.

If you have any questions please contact me either on FMA under EMACombine or on the website under the contact page. Good luck on season 8 and I hope it's a great one.

If you do not have one bit of a clue about what EMA is, go to its website (http://elitemarchers.webs.com">http://elitemarchers.webs.com) and check us out!
**FMA** Hall of Famer*