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Deleting/Renaming a Group?
I accidentally made a group and was typing the name and pressed enter before I was done. Is there a way to fix this?
Send me a PM or e-mail with your issue and I'll look into it.
Alax, I would like to start over please, only what one group to compete and I want to change that name. Could you please tell how to do this.
Founder of the DLOFDL

Director of the Hangmen dbc Div 3
Director of the Madens of the Gallows cg Div 3
Director of the Academic Hangmen mb Div 3
Director of the Hangmen Drumline Div 2
Yes, I would like to do a name change for my groups as well. Not change the staff, stats, etc... but just my corps' and drumline's names.
If you want a name change, send me a message or e-mail me.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"