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Tuesday, December 9th, 2014
Navy Pier Showdown
Hosted by:  Spinnerettes     Attending Audience: 747 / 800    Attending Groups: 15 / 15
Division 1
Name, League Equip Mvmt Ens GE Total Place
The Tullahoma City Spinners 19.495 19.475 19.565 39.125 97.660 1
Lady Bucs USGA 19.555 19.660 18.790 37.890 95.895 2
Cloverettes 18.155 18.095 18.580 37.125 91.955 3
Silent Drill Platoon INS 17.815 17.820 18.460 36.860 90.955 4
Spinnerettes USGA 14.865 14.910 14.415 28.770 72.960 5
Spinaholics 14.675 14.765 14.260 28.225 71.925 6
Division 2
Name, League Equip Mvmt Ens GE Total Place
Wuthering Swans ROTC 13.685 13.685 14.745 31.625 73.740 1
CloudScape LEGS 14.355 14.335 14.455 28.680 71.825 2
Dong Suk LGCG 13.570 13.595 13.625 27.060 67.850 3
The Wadair Winterguard KMEA-C 11.495 11.485 11.620 23.605 58.205 4
Étude 11.225 11.140 11.195 22.415 55.975 5
Division 3
Name, League Equip Mvmt Ens GE Total Place
Chernobyl Sistahhood USGA 13.230 13.320 12.795 25.375 64.720 1
Lady Stars 12.235 12.195 12.270 24.450 61.150 2
18th Avenue Colors 9.290 9.305 9.300 19.025 46.920 3
Why Are There No Trumpets?! 9.120 9.120 9.210 18.405 45.855 4