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Chat Room for season 30
Well dang. SoW came out of nowhere is gonna snipe my drumline gold. Oh well. It's nice to be medaling again.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
wow really fastfoward? xD
12 years later
Wow really Stradivarius ... LOL !!!
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Drum Corps Champ
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Band Champ
Perfect Explosion
Perfect Explosion
(Ditto) !!!
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum

BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.
So much troll -___-
12 years later

Does your comment of 'So much troll -___-" mean you are a Troll ... LOL !!!
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum

BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.
no I mean u and fastforward1 are trolling too much :PPPP
12 years later
Seriously, are you going to make the Top 12 in D1 DC Stradivarius ??? I noticed that you have fallen back a bit in the D1 DC standings.
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum

BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.
I actually don't know... I missed a ton of rehearsal because of my parents... I am pretty sure I should get like 11th or 12th. I am still 2 points ahead of where I was last season :P
12 years later
Keep up the rehearsing Stradivarius ... I am hoping to move up to D1 shortly.
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum

BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.
It seems that the FMA game only lets a group go up one Show Design level after a certain point. My Color Guard Staff have all been at level 20 for the last 2 seasons. However, I am only currently at a level 17 Show Design. I will probably have to wait another few seasons before I am able to break the level 20 Show Design level & have a better chance of scoring in the top of the game.
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum

BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.
My color guard difficulty is 22.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
I am looking forward to getting my Color Guard difficulty up to the 20's as well.
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum

BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.
My difficulties are all 18 lol

And I don't think I'll be making finals in drum corps after all. This week is pretty terrable as for my rehearsal opportunities...
12 years later
I made $68,800 for my drum corps contest the other day. That is a new record for me.
Nice! My best is like 72 grand but that was a few seasons ago... I only made 43,000 this seaosn
12 years later
Good job on the show revenue JShuler. I am hoping to break $55K for show revenue this season & hopefully $65K in season 31.
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Drum Corps Champ
Perfect Explosion-1X Div I Band Champ
Perfect Explosion
Perfect Explosion
I was able to break 50000 this season way better than my normal 30000
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
Lucky :P
12 years later
Good job kmarti6. Keep up the show revenue.
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum

BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.