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How is it possible for someone to be double my level? I play like 3-5 times a day and there's no way for me to level up any faster.... Can someone please help?
Colts 2011 - Baritone :: Minnesota Brass 2013 - Bass 4
Did you start late? And are you getting on before your energy fills up?
yeah, the same thing is kinda happening to me. I didnt start late and most of the time, i get on before my energy fills up all of the way. It doesnt seem like somebody could be twice my director level in this short of a time.
different rehearsal actions give you different amounts of experience
It's all about the skill. Muwahahaha
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
No I didn't start late and i wait until my energy is all the way up... that's why I'm so lost... I don't get it.
Colts 2011 - Baritone :: Minnesota Brass 2013 - Bass 4
I think there are only three options for why you're level 5 instead of >10. You either started late, are letting energy points "expire", or you are running campaigns which are eating your energy. From your influence score, it doesn't look like you've been running a lot of promotional campaigns. Are you using all your time for fund raising?

StoutMaster said that doing different rehearsal actions will give you different amounts of exp. I haven't done the math to see which actions may provide the most exp per energy point, but I really doubt that would be the cause for you being less than half of the director level of some of the leaders.
Actions that use more energy give you more experience.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Keep in mind that campaigns do eat a large chunk of energy. If you keep one going constantly you have probably lost hundreds of energy points compared to those that use them sparingly.

Is that experience per energy point spent?

Well, an action that uses 89 energy gives like, 30 exp. And action that uses like, 10, only gives 3.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Rehearsal actions should give roughly the same amount of experience per energy spent across the board.
Possible explanation:

-You joined Wednesday of Pre-season week. This already puts you about 2.5 days behind everyone else. Now, you are in Division 2, which is full of people who spent less time during pre-season, but less time is less experience, which his less level.

-Your drum corps is in 19th place in division 2. I took a look at both the corps above and below you. They each also have director level 5. This means you guys must be spending the same amount of points for rehearsal and leveling up in general.

-You are in division 2. Divisions were based upon the amount of time during the day spent playing the game. It is expected that division 2 bands are capping their energy more often and "wasting" some by not logging on in time, or spending more energy on campaigns, thus lessening how often they come on. Both of these lead to less exp, and a lower director level.

The only explanation is that the people who are "double your level" are using every last ounce of exp they get. They come on and exactly the right time so no energy goes to waste. Additionally, they likely invest very little in campaigns, leaving more for leveling up. Don't worry about the people way ahead of you. They will move into division 1 next season. Worry about the people right along side of you, and getting better than them. According to the rankings, you fall right in line with them. =)

So what most everyone is saying is that I have to play this game every 4 hours... Set my alarms to wake up every 4 hours and spend my points... And if I do this, I will beat everyone in this game... This sounds like a very huge haste of lifetime in order to be the best but I guess that is what you have to do now days to be on top, (excuse my french) work your ass off until you are the best.

Thank you!!!
Colts 2011 - Baritone :: Minnesota Brass 2013 - Bass 4
If you want to win, you'll need to do more than play often. You'll need to manage your money, campaigns, staff, skills, and hosted events effectively. Your level is not the only thing that determines your outcomes, although for this season it is probably a good indicator simply because everyone is new.
"This sounds like a very huge haste of lifetime in order to be the best but I guess that is what you have to do now days to be on top, (excuse my french) work your ass off until you are the best."

You've never marched DCI, have you?

Not necessarily. my groups are doing really well, all in the Top 10, and I don't log on at night at all. You can set your campaigns on to "60" when you won't be around. This'll allow your energy to be invested into something useful. Heck, if you know you can't log on during the day, you can do it then, too.

Yes, to get the most rehearsal in, you will have to log in about every 4 hours. I always have my campaigns on at least "15", so I log in every 5ish hours. At nights I sleep for around 8 or 9 hours, and I set the campaign on "60". Some nights energy gets wasted, and some nights it doesn't. I don't mind though, because I come back on with plenty of influence or money.

As for next season. Just do whatever your going to do during the season during the pre-season. In other words, if you plan to log in twice a day, do that during pre-season, too. This will help get you set in the correct division and make winning easier or at least more likely.

Good luck!
Okay, look at me. I was in the Top 10 constantly for the first few competitions. I was spending energy on the HOUR during preseason. this put me in division 1. But now that I am working a lot, I'm not home often. In order to compensate for that I put a lot of my money into running fundraisers so I have a boatload of money at the end of the season.
Ryan T. Loveless
I was "trying" to run my Corps and my band the same way but it "seems" that my director level on the corps goes up quicker than in band. Am I just confused at my own actions or is there a difference in the rate between band and corps ?
I was behind until I stopped running campaigns, they don't just take off say 15 points from your maximum energy, it's per hour. Now, I'm finally climbing the ranks
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2