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lol you right when it comes to the Smith men ima go ham LMAO i didn't want to sound like a ho lol but will or jaden smith and pharell omg where they at! MAMA WANTS THEIR SWEET LOVINS lmao
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire

Kiowa's 2nd account.

#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
Lol awkwaaarrrrd xD
12 years later
lol aye don't judge
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire

Kiowa's 2nd account.

#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
Lol I don't judge xD just bustin ur chops lol
12 years later
So my sisters and I decided to upgrade our phone plan to some new AT&T plan that's cheaper than what we were paying and has more data. This means I get a new phone! Should I get one of the iphones or a droid? My dad has a galaxy and I didn't like how it operated. Pros and cons?
Alohomora Arts
Order of the Phoenix - Div I DC - ICE - Founder
Dumbledore's Army - Div I MB
Veela's - Div I CG - FLAG - Founder
Death Eaters - Div I DL - DRUMS BoD
I went from the old galaxy to an iPhone 5. I think if I could pick any phone I wanted, I would probably go with the new Galaxy. iPhones, as with all Apple products, seem to be more simple from my experience, but it still works fine. Again though, I'd cast my vote for the Galaxy.
Wolverines (CLASS)
Rock Creek Marching Band
i have an i phone and an android i switch my chip between the two lol but yes i love att
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire

Kiowa's 2nd account.

#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
I have an i-phone. It is fine.
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum

BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.
Im use to the iPhone face, since I have an iPod touch. I guess that's what I will be going with. I'm excited to get a Smart phone lol
Alohomora Arts
Order of the Phoenix - Div I DC - ICE - Founder
Dumbledore's Army - Div I MB
Veela's - Div I CG - FLAG - Founder
Death Eaters - Div I DL - DRUMS BoD
You've never had one before?
Wolverines (CLASS)
Rock Creek Marching Band
I am one of the few people in the US that has never had or used an Ipod.
Ivory Brigade
i hate insomnia
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire

Kiowa's 2nd account.

#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
LMAO omg im on facebook and accepting friend requests and some dude said hi im a big fan and so i messaged him back said thank you means a lot.

WELL his girl got on his facebook, and said quit messaging my boyfriend omg lmao if you that intimidated by someone just being appreciative of a compliment you gonna end up single
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire

Kiowa's 2nd account.

#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
No, I've never had a smart phone, like an android or iOS phone. I got my first cell phone when I graduated high school and my dad (ie my stepmother) wouldn't ever let me use an upgrade because it would renew my contract. Anytime my phone started to not work, I would go buy an AT&T go phone and just put my sim in there. Then when my sister and I decided to take over our contract in 2012, I was going to upgrade my phone but my sisters iPhone was totally shattered so I let her use my upgrade. Now we are doing te up to 4 lines for 160$ a month plan for my two little sisters and me. Finally entering the 21st century lol.

Today at work, I made cake pops. Then we a a shit ton of treats to damage out because they were expiring and we obvi can't sell expire foods, so our managers were nice and let us take 2 cake pops home. Yay free treats!
Alohomora Arts
Order of the Phoenix - Div I DC - ICE - Founder
Dumbledore's Army - Div I MB
Veela's - Div I CG - FLAG - Founder
Death Eaters - Div I DL - DRUMS BoD
See I knew you got to take stuff home :p
Ivory Brigade
expired food and milk is like still good after expired lol
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire

Kiowa's 2nd account.

#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
Yeah if you like butter milk...
Ivory Brigade
well good morning jhawk i got up this morning and you was gone lmao jp
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire

Kiowa's 2nd account.

#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
Today i took a nap and like always i put netflix on my laptop and usually let it turn itself off because i need noise to get to sleep. ANYWAY when i woke up it was turned off and so i turned it back on and this blue screen popped up i had to start it in repair mode seems like everything is ok now, but still this hp is getting old (coming up on 2 yrs) I think it's time for a new one.

Any suggestions on a very effective computer? I play video games on it so something that could run those nicely but can still be used for everyday school work would be a good suggestion.
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire

Kiowa's 2nd account.

#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
I only deal with custom built desktops, sorry

but expired milk is not really good after the expiration date, it might be for a week IF you haven't opened it. but the more processed it is, the worse it will be.

Now if you are talking about RAW milk straight from a cow or goat, it will be good longer, and if it is goes "bad" it just has a sour taste to it.. it won't make you puke from being disgusting. Raw milk will curdle into cheese if left alone, or you can use it to make different kinds of cheese or for different recipes once it goes "bad".

There is nothing you can do with processed milk once it turns.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"