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FMA Mid-West Discussion
I was thinking and having more D1 players is actually more beneficial to everyone. It'll help fill the seats at the competitions and therefore reward everyone for hosting.
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
Division doesn't mtter, influence does
Carolina's Phantom Inc. (D2)

DC - Carolina's Regiment
DL - The Phantom of Carolina Drumline
CG - Phantom's Crown
MB - Carolina's Regiment of Winds
I know but typically D1 users are more active and therefore are more likely to have more influence. That was my logic
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
I'm pretty low in influence rankings, but number 2 OVERALL score wise. Therefore, I don't think that influence really matters.
DBC - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
MB - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
CG - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
DL - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
yeah some people set their influence to 60 an hour and barely rehearse
Carolina's Phantom Inc. (D2)

DC - Carolina's Regiment
DL - The Phantom of Carolina Drumline
CG - Phantom's Crown
MB - Carolina's Regiment of Winds
We should put discussions about influence's use in a separate thread. But, because it came up, it should be mentioned that there seems to be some confusion about influence's purpose. It will not directly increase your score when you gain it. So just because you have low influence, doesn't mean you can't score high. But it does mean that you are less valuable to potential hosts and will receive fewer audition points as those around you increase their influence. Its a long term stat, not a short term stat. In 3 seasons, if you have low influence, you might say influence really DOES matter.
I definitely agree with Alex, no one is going to want to accept you to a competition if you have very low influence. Part of the game is trying to find the right balance of campaigning and rehearsing.
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
I am for sure in with the Midwest Combine
Pioneer Drum Corps '12 Tenors
Twin Cities Area Independent 10 bass
Sun Devils Drum & Bugle Corps 08,09 Bass
now I think as a combine we should set some goals, like having 4 finalists per division and stuff like that
Carolina's Phantom Inc. (D2)

DC - Carolina's Regiment
DL - The Phantom of Carolina Drumline
CG - Phantom's Crown
MB - Carolina's Regiment of Winds
I live in the midwest...
We currently have 13 members, therefore when season 2 starts please make your competitions at LEAST be able to hold 15
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
Sounds good. I'm really looking forward to next season, and am excited to announce I will be having 30 bands in my competition next season.
I'm looking forward to next season too!
Proud Director Of

Infinity Sound Drum and Bugle Corps (D2)
Infinity Winterguard (D2)
Storm Indoor Drumline (D2)
Westwood Academy Marching Band (D2)

Just putting this out there. I'm D1, my influence is rather low compared to the rest of the corps that are in the Top 20 for D1. Most have MASS influence. How that all happened I would like to know, but I'd rather them keep their secrets hidden.

Now for what I was saying:
I'm not part of the Mid-West Region, I don't plan on joining it. But since my corps, and band, are located in the Mid-West, I will be hosting a competition for the second year in a row for my corps. I will be more likely to accept Mid-west canidates with average-above average influence, than corps with Ridiculously high influence. My Competition will hold 10 spots. I will be accepting at LEAST 6-7 mid-west members, just because my competition is located in the mid-west.

I hope that may help a little bit for everyone. Once again, not a member :D
Ryan T. Loveless
I'm pretty sure we r the largest and most active combine, congrats everyone
Carolina's Phantom Inc. (D2)

DC - Carolina's Regiment
DL - The Phantom of Carolina Drumline
CG - Phantom's Crown
MB - Carolina's Regiment of Winds
So for regionals next season.. I'm assuming we're all def going to the Mid-West regional..

What other ones should we go to? I was thinking Eastern might not be that far fetched for a Mid-West based group to go to..

Any suggestions?
Proud Director Of

Infinity Sound Drum and Bugle Corps (D2)
Infinity Winterguard (D2)
Storm Indoor Drumline (D2)
Westwood Academy Marching Band (D2)

Yeah, the thing is all of us getting accepted to the same ones.
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
We need to get a members list up, not just with sn's, but more importantly corp names

Carolina's Regiment, D2
Carolina's Phantom Inc. (D2)

DC - Carolina's Regiment
DL - The Phantom of Carolina Drumline
CG - Phantom's Crown
MB - Carolina's Regiment of Winds
minneapolis regiment, D1