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FMA Mid-West Discussion
Sorry, I'm going to be inactive for a couple weeks. I need to get some things sorted out before college starts. It's my freshman year and i've got a lot of crap to get done in these next weeks. I'll be back for sure though.
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
Those were just suggestions and I'm waiting to hear back from the rest of the combine.
All I did was look at trying to have them make sense from a tour standpoint.
If we are heading NE in the 4th week, it makes sense for our 3rd week to move Eastward.

Same with the 1st week, If the 2nd week we will be heading either west or mid west it makes sense to travel that direction.

BUT, thats just MY pet peve about wanting travel to make sense.

What I'd really like to see is mapping out a tour. You could make any show in the same region the next night but if you jump to another region it would take one day of travel with no shows.....2 regions / 2 days travel with no shows.

If I was heading from Gulf Coast to Seattle I would spend a travel day to reach the midwest and try and pick up a few shows then anothe off day of travel to reach the northwest and pisk up a few shows.

I know I'm nuts, but insanity has it's rewards.
Epic DBC (D3) from Indiana would love to join the Mid-West Union!
Epic Drum & Bugle Corps
Div. III Silver Medalist x1
Div I Bronze Medalist x6
Div. I Silver Medalist x5
Div. I Gold Medalist x2

Div. III Gold Medalist x1
Div. II Gold Medalist x1
I love the idea of sensible tour scheduling, Prof. I think all combines should use it.
also, with the combine thing going on, alex could set something up on his end where there are several districts, winners of these districts would move on to regionals, and the winners of these regionals would go on to the finals
Favorite Composer: Richard Saucedo
Favorite Orchestrated piece: Motion (Brian Balmages)
Favorite Mainstream Piece: FireFlies (Owl City)
North-East already did that by creating groups made specifically for hosting those festivals. You guys might want to consider the same.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
After much consideration, Regal Regiment (D1) will commit to the Mid-West Combine. We typically hold a show and are more than willing to make it Mid-West only as long as we can host it in week 3. I just need a list of Mid-West members and what their Corps are called so I can add them when we get to that point.
Regal Regiment (CLASS) 4XBronze 3XSilver 4XGold
Marching Lords (UNSP) 4XBronze 5XSilver 5XGold
Nobles of Grace (UNSP) 4X Bronze 7XSilver 1X Gold
Drumming Imperials (UNSP) 2X Bronze 5X Silver 7XGold
Add Ramrod Regiment. We're a Div. 1 Corps.
@ashfire, I dislike that idea entirely. Because that isn't how current DCI is run. And considering this is fantasy, it is supposed to mimick the management of DCI, such as fantasy sports mimick their counterparts.

besides, there are those of us that are not in these "groups" such as myself, and it would force me to join such as group. Also, the finals are supposed to be the best of the best. I like they way it's run now, these "groups" should stay what they originally meant to be, the help those who hold competitions.
Ryan T. Loveless
I wouldn't mind Joining, as a DIV. 3 Corps.
Well, whatever is decided, can we get a list of competitions with dates and hosts, and a list of competing corps, by the end of the week?
@ Exavier
I second that.

Also, is it possible to have a handbook of some sort so we know the regulations of the Union? It seems like it is ever changing as people give their input.
Epic Drum & Bugle Corps
Div. III Silver Medalist x1
Div I Bronze Medalist x6
Div. I Silver Medalist x5
Div. I Gold Medalist x2

Div. III Gold Medalist x1
Div. II Gold Medalist x1
I think it would sort of be easier to decide once we know when the FMA regionals would be.. So we could have a prospective list by the end of this week but when we know when the regionals are we could change it around as needed.
Proud Director Of

Infinity Sound Drum and Bugle Corps (D2)
Infinity Winterguard (D2)
Storm Indoor Drumline (D2)
Westwood Academy Marching Band (D2)

I'll update on the Union on my Posterous. Here's the first entry, containing an updated list of competitors and competitions.


I also think this week should be the last week to sign up for the Union. 20 seems like a nice cut-off number.
now what are the guidelines for hosting? I might want to host a competition for next season.
Original Member of the Mid-West Combine (defunct)
i think it would be fun to have a union championships
Since we have twenty groups, the only real guidelines for hosting so far are:

- Make sure your show can hold at least twenty groups

- Make sure you of the twenty, you accept at least fifteen groups that are part of the Mid-West Union
Put me down for a week 3 competition.
I will also host during week 3.
Regal Regiment (CLASS) 4XBronze 3XSilver 4XGold
Marching Lords (UNSP) 4XBronze 5XSilver 5XGold
Nobles of Grace (UNSP) 4X Bronze 7XSilver 1X Gold
Drumming Imperials (UNSP) 2X Bronze 5X Silver 7XGold
Nice, Week 3 is filled! Thanks guys! Three more spots, two for Week One, one for Week Two!